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Our Story so Far

Elliot Scott Group was established in 2015 with one key ambition on becoming a market leader within our specialist recruitment sectors. Combining experience and drive by founding directors Elliot Benton and Scott Burns, the company quickly established itself by providing the highest standards of temporary and permanent recruitment services to their respective markets.

With quality and compliance being the top priority, our experience consultants help clients and candidates navigate through the ever-changing employment world by using their own personal experiences within our specialist sectors to offer an unrivalled recruitment service. Honest and reliable from the start, we value the strong partnerships we build with our clients and candidates by brining benefits including reduced time to hire, notable cost-effective processes, and an enhanced modern candidate experience.

In 2016 Elliot Scott Group was granted 'Authorised signatory' status by Gatwick Airport which allows us to issue and reference our workers for airside passes. As this department continued to expand it led to the formation of Personnel Referencing Solutions in 2019 which now deals with the references for Elliot Scott Group as well as for our other clients.

In 2023 Elliot Scott Group was excited to announce the opening of two new office; the first in Slough and second in Shoreham. We opened the new offices so we could be more hands on and personal for our great clients in the Heathrow Airport area and South Coast respectively. 

Elliot Benton

Group Director
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

This changes frequently but today; Duck & Liver pate with fresh brioche to start, Lobster Thermidor and Skinny fries for my main and then a fresh Banoffee pie to finish.

Favourite colour:  

Blue, but will always wear black.

Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

Changed this year, Nashville, Tennessee is probably the most amazing place on earth.

Your idol and why:

I definitely have a few for various reasons; Work, life, sport, but the one I love the most is Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson. Athlete turned movie star turned businessman! Find his videos, chat and overall persona motivating and "electrifying".

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

I love that we have built a company that our team enjoy working at. I love that we have worked with some great agency staff over the years and trusted by so many clients with their recruitment and referencing.

Scott Burns

Group Director
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Scallops, Lamb Roast Dinner, Cheese board.

Favourite colour:  

Light Blue.

Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

The Maldives.

Your idol and why:

Mo Gawdat, former Chief Business Officer of Google X Alternative thinker, happiness expert and all round good guy!

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

The constant striving to improve ourselves and our business. 

Darryl Classens

Group Compliance Manager
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Starter of Garlic Snails, a Main course of a Crocodile Steak and finishing with Rice Pudding.

Favourite colour:  


Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

No place on earth like visiting Africa. Stunning and beautiful - specifically Cape Town.

Your idol and why:

Donald Trump's quote that inspires me: "I try to learn from the past but plan for the future".

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

Friendly colleagues as well as team work which is the the core of our successful business.

Beata Rosinska

Account Director
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Polish dumplings and cheesecake.

Favourite colour:  


Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    


Your idol and why:

My mother who raised me on her own, pushed me to get my University degrees and career abroad and taught me to how to be independent and brave.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

The Bosses. Even if Directors, they're still considered as good friends that I would go to if I would need help with something important in my personal life.

Jenica Gheorghe

Office Manager - Crawley
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

I usually skip starter, but main will probably be pasta carbonara and Crema Catalana (traditional Spanish dessert).

Favourite colour:  

I love all colours, but I guess red is the one.

Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

I never thought about this, I love travelling, so for me each destination is special.

Your idol and why:

I don't have an idol, but I highly appreciate people that dedicate their lives helping less fortunate people and especially children.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

I love the fact that I can help people get a new job. It's wonderful working when you have the support of all members of the team. I can say we are like a family!

Emily Marchant

Account Coordinator
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Bruschetta, fajitas and brownie,

Favourite colour:  


Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

My dream holiday destination would be the Maldives.

Your idol and why:

Growing up I always looked up to Helen Skelton due to all of the different adventures and challenges she embraced such as her hike across the South Pole.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

I love the many different opportunities I have been given over the past year. Also how much of a work based family we have become!

Ewelina Sobecka-Sakalli

Referencing Administrator
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Anything, as long as it's cooked for me.

Favourite colour:  


Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    


Your idol and why:

Mo Farah - amazing athlete and a very humble human being. I'm also a keen runner.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

The team spirit.

Tracey Francis

Referencing Administrator
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Calamari, risotto, crème brûlée.

Favourite colour:  


Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

Caribbean and USA Coast to Coast.

Your idol and why:

My Boys. Very proud of what they have both achieved in their lives.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

Young and friendly team.

Ernie Benton

Head of Security
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Salmon and white fish dog food

Favourite colour:  


Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

Whitstable with my Mum and Dad

Your idol and why:

My dad Elliot Benton...my mum is great too

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

Love protecting my colleagues and getting away with everything because I am cute

Kimberley Phillips

Payroll Team Leader
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

First course would be garlic prawns, followed by a rare sirloin steak smothered in peppercorn sauce with sweet potato fries and to finish it would have to be an Eton mess.

Favourite colour:  

I don’t really have a favourite colour but my top three are emerald green, navy blue or dark red. This is because I am indecisive.

Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

Anywhere with sun, sea, and cocktails.

Your idol and why:

I don’t really have an idol. I look to my future self in the hopes that I will achieve everything that I want in my life and for my family.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

I enjoy the people and the great atmosphere within our office.

Roxana Nicolaie

Referencing Administrator
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Italian cuisine lover! Bruschettas, octopus salad and pistachio tiramisu!

Favourite colour:  

What is better then black? More black!

Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

Your idol and why:

No idols, I am as a collector sponge of goodness and beauty- beauty in nature, people and art

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

I have found a family driven to succeed, align

Glenda Lobo

Recruitment Operations Manager
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

I really Chicken Tandoori with Salad, Salmon in white sauce & roast vegs. I love sweets so anything that looks good and taste yummy!

Favourite colour:  

I love the colour white,  elegant and makes me feel beautiful.

Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

I love exploring and visiting different countries I have also been on a world cruise but the best so far is France (Lourdes). Awesome experience!!!

Your idol and why:

No Idols… The only person I Love The most is My Jesus, And Why? Coz I am not perfect, but he picks me up every time I fall and takes me to places that I can never imagine.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

Our Cool Directors!!.. Always motivating and positive, What better can I ask for?

Carly Burns

Senior Consultant
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Favourite 3 course meal and why?

Prawns or Scallops

Lamb, Lamb & more lamb. Its all about a Sunday roast with the family

Anything rich & chocolate related

Favourite colour and why?

I love white. It’s clean, crisp and looks good with a tan.

Favourite/Dream holiday destination and why?

It’s a tough one, but it would be between Rome & The Maldives

Your idol and why?

My Dad. After going through a life changing accident he soldiers on with grit and determination.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group?

The strong ‘can do’ attitudes of the directors & the drive of each team member to be successful

Eloise Stapleton

Recruitment Consultant
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Favourite 3 course meal and why? Scallops, Surf & Turf steak, Crème brulee.

Favourite colour and why? Pink

Favourite/Dream holiday destination and why? My dream holiday destination is Bahamas, I’d love to go to Pig Beach!

Your idol and why? I don’t really have an idol, but I do like David Attenborough.  

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group? I enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the office; everyone is great to work with.  

Phillip Smillie

Senior Consultant
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My favourite 3 course meal would be; Buffalo chicken wings to start, ribeye steak with asparagus and truffle dauphinoise for main and sticky toffee pudding. The perfect combination of easy to cook and easy to serve.

Blue is defiantly my favourite colour, blue looks great on anything, cars, shirts and who doesn’t like a blue cocktail on holiday.

This is a tough one! On one hand I would love to travel to Texas, but I think Osaka would edge it. The food, the culture, it seems so simple compared to everywhere else.

I think my idol would be Arnold Schwarzenegger, his journey from early life to where he is now is inspirational. What he has been able to achieve from nothing is amazing, showing what hard work can achieve.

I most like the flexibility that Elliot Scott Group provides, I’m not tied down to a particular sector or region. You are left to make your own decisions and create business how you want, which creates a much happier work environment.

Chloe Nicholls

Payroll Administrator
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Favourite 3 course meal and why?

For a starter it has to be Calamari, for main course a steak cooked medium rare and for dessert a tiramisu.

Favourite colour and why?


Favourite/Dream holiday destination and why?

A Safari in South Africa is on my bucket list.

Your idol and why?

My idol is Disco Pete

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group?

Everyone has been very warm and welcoming.
The office has a great atmosphere and I enjoy coming to work.

Steven Madan

Senior Consultant
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Favourite 3 course meal and why?
Starter would have to buffalo chicken wings – nice and spicy! For mains I love a steak, but must be medium rare, oh and with all the trimmings of course! And the sweet dish would be a chocolate Molton cake, but if that’s not available…Perfetto rolls (boring but does the jobs)

Favourite colour and why?
Blue is the colour; Football is the game! Blue and for Chelsea

Favourite/Dream holiday destination and why?
Would love to go travelling from East to West of the USA! It’s the films that make it looks amazing – open road, roof down and music on!

Your idol and why?
A mushy one here – my Dad.. he went from owning his own business to being out out of business by a big superstore, to bankrupt to making sure all his family (wife and 4 kids) got back on his feet and now is the proud owner of properties and enjoys life!

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group?
The autonomy and trust is my favourite thing for working here but also, everyone has the same goal and in it together! A very close second… the branding and website!

Edward Barthaud

Recruitment Consultant
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Favourite 3 course meal and why?

Steak tartar to start, a T bone steak to follow and then if I wanted desert I should’ve had another steak instead

Favourite colour and why?


Favourite/Dream holiday destination and why?

Austria / Skiing

Your idol and why? Literally no idea

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group?

Since joining everyone has been really friendly and there is a good vibe in the office. Has a nice sense of community.

Frank Burns

Security Apprentice
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Favourite 3 course meal:    

Sunday Roast

Favourite colour:  


Favourite/Dream holiday destination:    

Trip to my grandparents.

Your idol and why:

My Mum Carly Burns.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group:

Love all the free food that I receive at the office.

Ellis Rouch

Head of Practice - Finance
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Favourite 3 course meal and why?

Starter: Octopus and chorizo – reminds me of holidays and its less posh than oysters

Main: Beef wellington – No matter the situation it bangs

Dessert: Lemon meringue – it’s the only sweet thing I like!

Favourite colour and why?

Green – Assuming its because I love being out in nature but Green colours definitely relax me and bring out my “beautiful” hazel eyes

Favourite/Dream holiday destination and why?

Burma/Myanmar – I’m actually half Burmese but if you google “sunrise air balloons and temples in burma” you’ll understand why, Bagan is untouched and beautiful

Your idol and why?

Bob Ross because of his profound impact on people's lives through his art and his gentle, encouraging demeanour and positive philosophy "There are no mistakes, only happy accidents," Or Gandalf for obvious reasons.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group?

The empowerment and actions taken to help me succeed, from interviews to being here I was immediately made to feel valued and like I was going to be set up for success.

Tommy Marsden

Senior Consultant
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Favourite 3 course meal and why?

Bruschetta, Steak Diane, Crème Brule - This dish showcases culinary skill and sophistication a meal fit for a king.

Favourite colour and why?

Orange – Orange is as a unique and positive colour that stands out from the crowd.

Favourite/Dream holiday destination and why?

Maldives – Offers a quiet and peaceful retreat where you can wind down after a hard year of work.

Your idol and why?

My Grandfather – Entrepreneur that will put an idea into practice, not afraid of a challenge and has a can do attitude and a desire to succeed.

What do you like most about working at Elliot Scott Group?

Working at Elliott Scott Group is a great privilege as you will be part of a quality team that supports each other to achieve a common goal. Having a leadership team that believes in you provides me with fulfillment and a determination to succeed.